
Review of Pulse in Computer Music Magazine (UK).
These nutters have gone patch-happy with a Pulsar-23 analogue drum machine to bring you a monster collection of one-shots, loops, and pre-mapped kits for all your fave DAWs. Inspired sounds abound in this expertly crafted collection, with a whole host of punchy drums coaxed from this experiment-rewarding machine. Seemingly the fruits of hours of wireswapping and knob-bothering, with some hits and sequences run through guitar pedals and other chains of commanding hardware for some next-level noises. A great way of building a unique drum library, if you want to swerve the sizeable price tag of an OG machine, and countless hours of fiddling, to get these kind of results. 9/ 10

Review of the SP1200 Collection in Computer Music Magazine (UK).
After the MPC60 Collection (10/10, cm256), the veteran New Zealand samplesmith's latest combines the previous SP1200 Vol 1 and 2 in a single comprehensive library, much of it remastered from the original files. A huge array of drums, basses, synths, vox and more from the eponymous legendary 12-bit sampler (and its SP12 sibling) have been captured through boutique and classic outboard, yielding more than 4000 one-shots, for use as is or within 39 kits and 17 instrument patches for Live. Maschine, Kontakt, Battery, Geist and EXS24. The sounds are so phat it hurts. 10/10

Review of the MPC60 Collection in Computer Music Magazine (UK).
New Zealand samplist Goldbaby wrings every drop of phat from Akai's turning-point 12-bit groove sampler with this 500MB repository of one-shot samples, patches and projects for Maschine, Live, Kontakt, Geist, Battery and EXS24. A compilation of his previous three MPC60 libraries, but with many samples "retuned and remastered", MPC60 Collection is a riotous lucky dip of drums, basses, leads, chords, FX, processed and robotic vocal shots, all with that trademark Goldbaby warmth. Absolutely essential for producers of hip-hop and R&B. 10/10

Review of 12 Volt Punch in Computer Music Magazine (UK)
New Zealand's leading samplist has built a massive modular synth setup (there are pics on the website), wrung almost 4000 one-shot drum, FX and drone samples out of it (albeit including lots of velocity-stepped sets), and mapped them to an extensive range of software sampler formats. The quality more than matches the quantity, with all the warmth and analogue chunkiness for which the 'Baby is known, and the real magic takes effect when you start layering hits up to build your own instruments and kits. One of his best yet! 10/10

Review of the StompBox808 in Computer Music Magazine (UK).
The NZ samplist plumbs his TR-808 drum machine through a floorful of guitar pedals to produce 2357 one-shot samples, presented as 24-bit WAVs and some mapped to 17 Maschine, Live Drum Rack, EX524, Battery, Geist and Kontakt kits; plus 72 chromatically tuned kick, tom and conga instruments. Saturation and distortion are prominent, but there's plenty of filtering, ring mod, reverb and others. 808 libraries are ten a penny these days, but this one stands apart with its vivid variations on the theme and that tangible Goldbaby heat and punch. 10/10

Review of Tape Drum Machine Collection in Computer Music Magazine (UK).
If you don’t already own any of the four libraries that have been remastered and brought together for this 7000-strong library of one-shot drums (Tape Drum Machines Vol 1, 2 and 3, Analog AutoRhythms Vol 1), you’re in for quite a treat. 55 classic drum machines – including the Linn LM-1 and 2; Roland TR-55, 330, 505, 626, 707, 727; Acetone Rhythm; Combo Sideman and Super Spacedrum, to name but a fraction – are deconstructed and mapped to various sampler formats, sounding as lively and ‘analogue’ as can be. 9/10

Review of Big Little Tonic in Computer Music Magazine (UK).
Goldbaby's latest one-shot sample library sees a diversity of sounds from Teenage Engineering’s P0-32 (9/10, cm244) hardware realisation of Sonic Charge's seminal Microtonic (9/10,cm163) plugin drum machine (still with us?) captured via his usual chain of fabulous analogue outboard. Multiple sampler formats are catered to, including Racks, kits and projects for Live and Maschine, and while the kicks, snares, hats and toms are all suitable punchy, there's a riot of wild noises to be found in the Percussion and FX folders, and all the source Microtonic patches are included. 9/10

Review of Thermionic Solid State Drums in Computer Music Magazine (UK).
NZ’s king of phat returns with another luscious library. Within are (5000+) WAVS, plus patches for Maschine, Battery, Geist, EXS24 and Reason. 11 analogue drum machines and six synths (the lineup features the Tempest, Prophet-12, MS-20. and a modded CR-8000 alongside more obscure kit) were fed into a high-end processing chain, delivering a focussed collection of electronic kicks, snares, claps, hats, congas, shakers, layering tools and more. Together, they boom, bite and bounce beautifully and they’re bursting with old skool flava. 9/10

Review of Ghetto Drum Samplers in Computer Music Magazine (UK).
For his latest multi-format hip-hop/urban-orientated pack, the NZ-based producer has sampled live and vinyl-pressed drums and percussion, and a who's who of classic drum machines (808, 909, DMX, etc), through a quintet of equally classic drum samplers (ES-1, DDD-1, RZ-1, ST-224, ASRX pro), then processed the results with his trusty arsenal of tasty outboard. The analogue crunch, fatness and vibe throughout are palpable, and with just shy of 3000 samples involved, covering a huge amount of percussive ground, the value proposition is extraordinary. 10/10

Review of Unrealistic Vibrating Particles in Computer Music Magazine (UK).
A 2GB library (1427 samples) of “synthetic FX“ made with GoIdbaby’s extraordinary collection of vintage and modern gear. Its a spectacular panoply of chiptune-style runs and burbles, picturesque drones and atmospheres, threatening sirens, energetic rises and drops, explosive impacts, delicious melodics and more, produced with the exquisite attention to detail we’ve come to expect from the ‘baby. Suitable for use in all styles of dance and electronic music, UVP is a library you may well find yourself calling on for every project, and the value for money is simply ridiculous. 10/10

Review of Cookbook Vol 3 in Computer Music Magazine (UK).
The ‘Baby opens up another Goldmine of full-Phat drum hits, chords, fx, layers (transient's, reverb, vinyl noise, etc) and more, aimed at producers of Hip-Hop and dance music of all kinds. Your meagre outlay gets you over 3000 samples, and even though that number includes a lot of multi-sample sets, it is still an enormous collection. The many accompanying sample patches and Maschine 2 library are the icing on the cake, and this is yet another must have from New Zealand's finest. 10/10

Review of Cookbook Vol 2 in Computer Music Magazine (UK).
No one does phat, classy drums quite like Goldbaby and Urban Cookbook Vol 2 is another urban and hip hop essential. Presented in a wide range of formats (including Geist and Maschine, complete with grooves), it's all warm, rich and supremely tasteful, ranging beyond percussion into basses, chords, layering tools and more. A classic in waiting. 10/10

Review of Cookbook Vol 1 in Computer Music Magazine (UK).
1GB+ of samples and patches for Maschine, Kontakt, EXS24, Geist and Battery, comprising hip hop and urban-oriented drums and percussion of every kind, hits, FX, basses, chords and more. The choice and combination of sounds in the library is exemplary and it all oozes the usual Goldbaby blend of electronic flavour, electric energy, analogue phatness, and human vibe that fans will know and love. This one's simply a must-have for everyone. 10/10

Review of Tape808 in Computer Music Magazine (UK).
The Roland TR808 has been a staple of electronic music for more than two decades, but getting your hands on the real thing has been something of an expensive ordeal. If you are not tempted by virtual clones, then how about this compendium of 407 samples of an 808 running through an Ampex half inch valve tape machine. Each hit is provided in a number of forms, with different decay, saturation levels and so on. It all sounds fantastic, and that's what makes the Tape808 a must buy. 10/10

Review of Dirt and Layers in Computer Music Magazine (UK).
Just shy of 1GB of digital, tape and vinyl noise samples, drum and enhancement layers and general ambience effects. Everything here is imminently useful for bringing a touch of retrofication or grit to individual sounds and mixers, but the single-hit drum layers and 'sucks' are particularly good. As you'd expect from Goldbaby the recordings themselves are superb. 9/10

Review of When Alien Drum Robots Attack 2 in Computer Music Magazine (UK).
What makes Goldbaby's sample some of the best around is the combination of high-quality sound sources and creative processing, both of which are abundant in this new collection. The kicks alone are superb, with descriptive labels like MPC60_SolidBonk. The claps and effects are also particularly excellent. In fact everything is rich, deep, crisp and inspiring, and with 2112 samples in total, is a total no-brainer. . 10/10

Review of DFS Blue in Computer Music Magazine (UK).
Goldbaby''s new scripted Kontakt 5 instrument (EX24 version is also included) captures classic synthesizers including the PPG Wave 2.2, Ensoniq SQ80 and DSI Prophet 12. Covering the full gamut of synth sounds (mono basses and leads, poly pads and keys, FX, etc). The samples are as phat as they come, and the interface, with it's built-in step sequencer, is a joy to use. 9/10

Review of SuperAnalog909 in Computer Music Magazine (UK).
Goldbaby’s second dedicated TR-909 multisample library (the other being Tape909) sees his beloved beatbox shoved through various outboard configurations (Fat Bustard II, Moog 500 filter, AML ez1073-500, etc) and every sound recorded as eight round robins. You get individual samples and multi-format sampler patches, and as with many of its label-mates, it's the analogue subtleties and nuances that make SuperAnalog909 a worthy endeavour. For the electronic producer seeking a sampled 909 with real character, soul and bite, it's a must—have. 9/10